Friday, June 17, 2011

Graphic Design Final Exam

     For my final exam in graphic design class we were assigned to use a piece of art and create it into a piece of graphic design. The importance of this project was to show if we know the difference between art and graphic design. Art can be interpreted into many different things while graphic design gives a creative yet clear cut message. The very few limitations to this project allowed us to be creative.
     For my final I decided to make my own PETA poster that criticized the use of animal fur for clothing. You can see my poster to the left. I thought I could find a nice piece of art and be able to make a clear message this way. I got an image of two baby foxes off of google. I wanted to find the best image to make people feel sympathetic. I placed this image into a Photoshop document and added the fraise "show your own skin, don't take theirs". I thought this made my message very clear and would give a lasting impression on those who read it. I then added a PETA symbol to the upper left corner of the document to make the poster look more official. I then added effects such as outer glow and bevel and emboss to the symbol to make it look nice. I put the first part of my text at the top of the poster and centered the second pat of my text to the bottom center of the poster and chose a font I thought looked appropriate for the poster. The original images used to create my final product can be seen below.
     I really enjoyed graphic design class this year and thought I got a lot out of it. I learned how to work with the computer a lot better and learned some great skills in photoshop and illustrator. I think I did a great job on my final project.

Original Images:  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Alphabet Text Tutorial Project

     For the fourth marking period in my graphic design 1 class we were given many different options for projects that would get us our required 200 "point total".  My previous fire text tutorial was worth 50 points so I decided to do the alphabet text tutorial project worth 150 points.
     In this project I was assigned to gather 26 different photoshop text tutorials off of the internet.  I would use one tutorial for each letter of the alphabet.  This project was very challenging.  It was time consuming because some tutorials were tricky and lengthy.  These tutorials were challenging at first because they required the use of some aspects of Photoshop that I have hardly worked with before.  These aspects included outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, drop shadow, perspective tools and the use of multiple layers to create 3D effects.  The good thing about this project was that most of the tutorials were very similar.  So once I got the hang of it and I was around half way done I was well prepared and equipped for other similar tutorials.
     After creating these 26 4 inch by 4 inch Photoshop text tutorials, I then transferred them into a larger Adobe Illustrator file to make my poster.  The image to the left is the final result and I think it came out well.

Links to tutorials: