Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fantasy Scene

Fantasy Scene Poster

          After practicing the tutorial posted earlier in my blog; I was able to create my own fantasy scene poster.  This poster is supposed to have a futuristic space look.  The landscape and cityscape images to the left were the images I used to create my poster.  I got my landscape image from and the cityscape image from  Like I said in the tutorial I first combined these two images to make them blend realistically.  I then used the burn tool to further blend the images and create a dark space look.  I added planets in the sky using planet brushes found at  I experimented with and made a lot of changes to different gradient, light, sharpness, color and blur effects until I was able to come up with an image that I really liked.
          To the left is the original sketch I made before starting my project.  Although my sketch is not very skilled, it accurately shows the idea I came up with and is similar to my final product.  The only change I made is that in my sketch I was planning on including a flying car in my image.  I decided to exclude this from my final project because I think it actually made my project less attractive and unique.      
          Below is the final version of my fantasy scene poster.  After experimenting a lot with the lighting, gradient and color effects, and using many different layers and opacities; I came up with a result that I really liked.  I think the burn tool made for a great spacey/ twilight look for my poster and helped blend my two original images together well.  I worked very hard on the project and some of the steps, including experimenting a lot with many different effects, which ended up being fairly time consuming.  I hope you like my final product!

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