Friday, March 11, 2011

Color Theory Movie

Below is my color theory movie created for my graphic design class.  My internet sources can be found on the last slide of the video.  I learned a lot while creating this video and hope you will enjoy it!

Below is the edited version of my color theory project based on the suggestions given to me by my classmates.  It includes more transitions and better editing. I hope you enjoy it!


  1. I think you covered all of the bases very nicely in this presentation.

  2. I liked your movie, but some slides have too many words and transistions would make your movie much better, good job though

  3. This was really good, the way you explained how to choose colors and the types of colors was really good. Great work!

  4. I like how your movie covers all of the topics well. If you put some transitions in between slides, that would make your movie a lot better. Overall, good job.

  5. Your movie is great for covering all the topics, but many slides have too many words. Maybe try breaking some slides into smaller segments?

  6. This presentation was very informative and can defiantly help someone choose the right colors! I would improve your presentation by breaking up the slides and not writing so much.

  7. This was good, but the slides have a lot of words on them, maybe try and cut back on definitions.
