In my graphic design class, I recently created a social awareness poster against smoking. I used two tutorials along with a picture taken off of the internet to create my poster. Here is the original image I took off of the internet...
I felt that this image would be good because the dark background is easy to work with. I decided to create smoke in photoshop and make text in the smoke using the smoke type tutorial from I decided to put the word "poison" in smoke text and put it as if it were coming from the cigarette to illustrate the dangers of smoking. This was a very tough and time consuming task but I was able to complete it because of the very descriptive tutorial. To create the smoke text, I applied a blur and a wave to the word poison. I then created a background with a cloud affect. I erased most of the clouds except for the ones around the word poison. Finally, I downloaded smoke brushes from to add extra smoke to the text. I ran into trouble downloading the smoke brushes but was able use them with some help from my teacher.
The effect after using smoke text tutorial looked like this...
After using the smoke brushes and the cloud background, my poster looked like this...
I think that the combination of the smoke texts and the smoke brushes made a cool effect. The tutorial and the brushes helped to make a very realistic looking smoke effect, while the smoke text added a creative twist.
The final step in creating my social awareness poster was to create a banner with metallic text using the Metal Text Effect tutorial from To create the metal text effect i used many different layers along with the use of the noise, blur, shading, and gradient tools. I faced a problem when I noticed that the tutorial I was using created a layer that covered my whole document. With the help of my teacher I was able to figure out how to delete this layer, leaving me just with the metallic banner saying "Don't Poison Yourself".
Here is the final version of my social awareness poster...
I think my idea came out great. My final product was very similar to the idea I had in my head. I credit this to the extremely helpful tutorials I picked out and my in creasing skills in photoshop. I think my social awareness poster came out very well and sends out a great message!
link to internet image: ttp://
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